Monday, May 17, 2010

Dreams Can Come True!

What a wonderful feeling: we have not only met, but exceeded our goal!! We are excited that we could help 4 Paws out by raising more than what we needed. We know that it will be put to good use.

We finally had the marathon for Andrew on Sunday. What an exciting day! We started off bright and early at 7:30 am. We had a large group of peope available to help us. (The thank you list will be published later) As we rushed about getting everything ready, I noticed how calm and quiet Andrew was. At times he appeared to have just had a seizure. That was what his mood was like for most of the day. He was awake, but not engaging. When the flurry of people came I had a hard time making sure everyone had a chance to meet Andrew. The walk itself was a gentle 3.2 miles. There was wonderful food after and a DJ. But, just like a wedding, it was all done and cleaned up by 12:30pm. We were able to raise almost $4,000!

We have so many people to thank. Some really good things happened during the fundraising process. It brought my mom and her sisters closer. Allen was shocked and awed when he realized just how many people out there believe that Andrew needs and deserves the service dog. And I have gained three totally awesome new friends in Angie Clifford, Linda Lein and Liz Shelton. They, along with their families, have been so giving and loving. My family has really jumped in to help Andrew with getting his dog; all in their own ways. I love you all and THANK YOU to everyone that has helped me make this dream for Andrew come true!!

1 comment:

  1. Jamie, I am so very proud of you, both as a woman and as a mother! In just a few short months, you've tackled a huge goal for your son!
    Love you bunches,
    Aunt Nancy
