Tuesday, August 31, 2010

On the wings of an Angel

The last few weeks have been very busy in our house. Andrew has had visits to Children's Hospital in Boston, and other appointments closer to home. Jessica and Andrrew both started school on Monday. It was hard for me to drop Andrew off at preschool. I know that things will get better with his school program I just may need to bring in other people to help at his IEP meetings. He has preschool on Tues and Thurs with a service day every Wednesday I want Andrew to be in the least restrictive school envirnoment as possible. Being pulled out all the time isn't the answer. So we will try having him at school on Wednesday to receive thereapies such as PT/ST/TVI/TOD etc.

Andrew's seizure's have declined some. I have not seen a drop attack or clonic jerk in at least 10 days. But, as his Mom (and a nurse) I know that this could be the calm before the storm. I have seen to many improvements, only to only them followed by a much worse type of seizure. I am crossing my fingers that he will not have grand mals next. A small ray of hope lingers in the hope that the diet is working.

He continues to grow and is headed straight for 3T/4T size clothes!! Wow, he is growing so well now with his feeding tube in place.

We wait anxiously for his service dog and we know what a comfort he will get from his new pal.

But, with alll that is good something not so good comes along....My Dad (Andrew's Grandpa) is in the ICU with an infection of unknown origin. He has already been through so much and was recovering very well from a heart surg in April. Please keep "Grandpa" in your thoughts and prayers as we all hope for a speedy recovery. I believe in angels and I believe everyone has one looking over them.  I LOVE YOU MOM & DAD

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