Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Things sure have changed

Andrew and Carina have FINALLY reached the ultimate goal and she is at school with him. Not before spending 8 months in a crate while the school reached their decision. Now that she is in the school I feel they are trying everything they can to get her out! At home she is alerting before and during his seizures. Her bond to Andrew gets stronger each day. The very odd thing is the school is the ONLY place she has had trouble being allowed in. She recently went to day surgery with Andrew when he had his tonsils out. They loved her and think that she is wonderful for him.

This las summer I offered up 4 weeks of my maternity leave for them for training...they only used a few days. Their choice not mine. The children in the pre k and elementary school are used to Andrew and Carina.  They ask if she is "working" before they touch her. So, why is it so hard for the adults at the school(not all of them only certain ones) to see the potential and the benefit of having Carina there. No, they want me to bring a video camera home and tape a pre alert and a seizure. Yeah right because I know when this is going to happen and I have tons of extra time! As Carina's trainer had stated " they then need to send a video camera home with a parent of a child in a wheel chair take him out sit him on the floor and tape the fact that he needs the wheel chair. Many differnt people have wittnessed her alerts and theitr magnificent bond. She has had no ill or unwanted behaviors while at school. They say that handling Carina and Andrew is hard on his IA's back...but won't it be harder on there back as he gets older and can't walk independently for long distances? They feel it is to much to handle her and Andrew at the same time. All I want is to increase Andrew's indepdendence and this can be done by increasing his reliance on Carina.

I want to know why when I have to fight so hard for everything else in his life this needs to be so difficult. The communtiy and people who love Andrew raised the funds to make this possible. What an utter disappointment if the school boards decision in November is that Carina can no longer attend school with Andrew. Then the question becomes: what is best for Andrew and who is looking out for his best interest and who doesn't like change. The law sides with Andrew, for the most part.......except where the "handler part comes in. I can't quit work to be her handler and I can't afford to hire someone either.

On a more positive note Andrew's new baby brother Alex adores him!! The smiles he gives him melt my heart!

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